Everything is OK at Unison Tek

The coronavirus(covid-19) is all over news.

Thankfully, our health ministry in Taiwan is taking all necessary precautions and keeping a tight lid on the situation. (experience from the SARS defense a while ago) The virus is not getting a foothold on our island.

Taiwan people are also very cautious and wearing masks, avoid crowds etc.
Everyone at Unison Tek are safe, and our production is 100% running as normal.

We have customers who are having trouble with their China supplier during this unfortunate time.
If needed, we are more than happy to lend our assistance.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us any time, e-mail to Harry Yen hyen@unisontek.com.tw
We hope everybody stays safe and sound in these difficult times.


More Products Info

Visit Machined Parts, CNC Milling Parts, Stamping Parts , CNC Machining Service in TaiwanTechnical Data for your reference and Quality Inspection to get more info about our products, if you are interested in any kind of products, please e-mail to us to get a free quote. 

We already have high precision inspection equipments in Unison Tek, you could totally trust us to make sure that every precision metal parts our clients got is all right.

Welcome to send any inquiry to us!!  we're glad to serve you!!  We look forward to you and invite you to visit our factory in Taiwan. Welcome to send any inquiry to us! 

Please watch our company channel on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNr25Zd94R8AUHk6EA8jYTQ

cnc turning parts

Precision Machined Parts_Unison Tek

Recently, our cnc machining factory had a batch of new cnc machines, including turning machines and milling machines, and with higher production capacity we could provide more competitive products for our clients.

Please watch our company channel on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNr25Zd94R8AUHk6EA8jYTQ